
About this listing

The Herce Property is located on the coast of Llucmajor in Majorca and its fine architectural build offers a truely unique experience. A private infinity pool and huge windows orientated to the south allow for unparalleled sunset views every evening.

*Self-check-in: 24/7 -> virtual host

*Private feel & ensuite bathroom, door locks

*High-speed Wifi *Free (basic) breakfast (Nespresso!)

*Daily cleaning

*Kitchen, own labelled fridge & kitchen unit

*Noise level: low (quiet hood, thick walls)

*West London -> 20-30 minutes to city centre

*Closest underground: Chiswick Park or Gunnersbury -> 5-7 minutes walk away

*Area: beautiful & green; young mid to upper class families

*MORE ROOMS: message the responsive & friendly Muse Team

The space

- Check-in : 16:00 - 22:00

- Check-out : 10:00

- Type : Mansion

- Notice : Rules of Use

- Lodging Persons : 8

- Bathroom : 4

- Bedroom : 4

- Beds : 4


- Weekday : KRW 100,000

- Weekend : KRW 150,000

상호명 주식회사크립톤케이  |  사업자등록번호 534-86-01087  |  대표 양경준 

  통신판매업신고번호 2023-제주삼도이-008  |  개인정보보호책임자 박영주

 연락처 0507-1317-9465 | 이메일

주소 제주특별자치도 제주시 탑동로2길 3, 3층 

운영오피스 운영시간 09:00-19:00 (점심시간 13:00-14:00)

계좌번호 우리은행 1005-604-486766

ⓒReflow2024 powered by Krypton. All rights reserved. 

상호명  주식회사크립톤케이  |  사업자등록번호  534-86-01087  |  주소  제주특별자치도 제주시 탑동로2길 3, 3층  |  대표자  양경준

이메일  |  연락처  0507-1317-9465  |  개인정보보호책임자  박영주  |  통신판매업신고번호 2023-제주삼도이-008

운영오피스 운영시간  09:00-19:00 (점심시간 13:00-14:00)  |  계좌번호 우리은행 1005-604-486766

ⓒReflow2024 powered by Krypton. All rights reserved.  

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